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Colchester Cougars


The name of the organization for legal purposes is the Colchester Cougars Youth Football, Incorporated (“CYF”). 
The purpose of this organization is to promote mental and physical fitness of boys and girls by conducting CYF contests and thus develop character and good sportsmanship. This organization is governed entirely by the Executive Board, Officers and Members-at-Large.  In order to run successfully, every member must be willing to share the responsibility in some aspect of the administration. 
The philosophy of this organization is to foster a sense of family, community, and self-worth through the participation in Colchester Cougars Youth Football and cheerleading.  Colchester Cougars Youth Football and cheerleading encourages and cooperates with the academic, religious, athletic, and social communities in order to accomplish the purpose of this organization.  Colchester Cougars Youth Football and cheerleading encourages community service by our participants and their families. 
CYF is a non-profit organization as described by the Internal Revenue Service under Section501(c) (3) as of June 1974.  CYF is incorporated with the Secretary of State of the State of Connecticut.  As such an organization, CYF is prohibited to participate to any extent in a political campaign for or against any candidate for public office or other political affiliation. 
“Board” or “Board Member” shall mean Executive Board and Officers of CYF. 
“Executive Board” shall mean Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of CYF. 
“Member-at-Large” shall mean any Member of CYF that has been voted in by a majority of the Board at a regular CYF monthly meeting. 
“Members” shall mean all parents of boys and girls who have “registered” (See Article XII: Registration Guidelines) to participate in the CYF program shall be considered members of CY for the “current year.” Any other individual (18 years of age or older) who is interested in furthering the objective of CYF may inquire with any board member about becoming a member. 
“SNEYFC” shall mean the Southern New England Youth Football Conference.  CYF is a member of the SNEYFC and is bound by their current by-laws.  (See Appendix A) 
“Officer” shall mean the eight (8) elected individuals described in Article V, Head Football Coach Coordinator, Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, Concession Stand Manager, Football Equipment Manager, Cheerleading Equipment Manager, Head Parent Coordinator and Ethics Committee Coordinator. 
“Ethics Committee” will consist of the Ethics Coordinator, the Head Parent Coordinator and either the head football coordinator or head cheer coordinator.  If it is a football issue then the head cheer coordinator will be assigned, if it is a cheerleading issue then the head football coordinator will be assigned.  If a committee position is vacant, the Chairman will appoint a substitute. 
Election and Term of Office: Each Executive Board member shall be elected by majority vote of the Board Members and Members-at-Large present at the December meeting for a term of two (2) years. Any individual nominated for Chairperson Position must be actively involved with CYF for at least two (2) years, must have voting rights at the time of the nomination and shall have attended at least 7 out of 12 meetings each year. The Chairperson and Treasurer shall be elected in the December of even numbered years and begin serving in the January of the following odd numbered year.  The Vice-Chairperson and Secretary shall be elected in the December of odd numbered years and begin serving in January of the following even numbered years.  All Executive Board members should maintain a log of their activities during their term to allow for an easier transition when new board members are elected. No two (2) Executive Board members can reside under the same household simultaneously. All Board members and Officers maintain their Member-at-Large status during their term. 
A. Duties: Chairperson: •He/she shall preside at all CYF meetings and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. •He/She shall direct CYF policies with Board approval. •He/She shall appoint an auditor at the January monthly meeting to conduct an audit of the Treasurer’s records for the previous fiscal year, to be completed for presentation to Board at the Annual Meeting in February. •He/she shall create and distribute agenda for each Board Meeting. •He/she shall works with Head Football and Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinator for CYF practices, home games and other CYF functions. •He/she is granted the privilege of serving as a voting member in the event of a tie vote by the Executive Board and/or the Members-at-Large. •He/she shall attend all Colchester Park & Recreation Meetings (usually the first Monday of each month) and provide board with a report at monthly CYF meetings. He/she will attend bi-annual Sports League meetings and will provide Park & Rec with field usage request prior to the start of the season. •He/she shall be bonded for a sum of not less than the sum of the highest month of the previous year. 
Vice-Chairperson: •He/she shall preside at all CYF meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. •He/she will be responsible for structuring the Fundraising Activities of CYF and may appoint a Committee Chairperson for each CYF Fundraising Activity. •He/she will be responsible for securing sponsorships for the current CYF year. •He/she coordinates the Annual Awards Banquet and all social functions. •He/she will order ice packs and medical supplies for the year if there is no medical liaison appointed. 
•He/she shall stock the medical bag for all away games if no medical liaison is appointed. •He/she shall provide the Executive Board and Registration Coordinator with a list of CYF members that did not participate in Fundraising activities. 
Secretary: •He/she shall record and distribute the minutes of all CYF meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her.  The minutes of each monthly meeting will be available within two weeks of the last meeting. •He/she shall track attendance of Board Members and Members-at-Large to all CYF board meetings. •He/she shall report on voting status of newly nominated Members-at-Large and/or potential revoked privileges of Board Members or Members-at-Large as outlined in Article VIII.C. •He/she shall handle all correspondence as directed by the Executive Board. •He/she shall maintain all CYF files. •He/she shall compile a preliminary list of meeting dates for the next year and distribute this list to the membership when the dates are approved. •He/she shall request EMT and EMS services as outlined in Article VII if there is no medical liaison appointed. If no medical liaison is appointed, then the Secretary will be responsible for handling all medical insurance claims and injury reporting. 
Treasurer: •He/she shall receive all monies of CYF. •He/she shall maintain an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures and shall present and submit to the Board a written statement of account at each CYF meeting. •He/she shall maintain such bank accounts as required.  No blank checks shall be given.  The Treasurer shall be bonded for a sum of not less than the sum of the highest month of the previous year. •He/she shall pick up mail at post office box and distribute to appropriate Board Member and pay bills as received.  •He/she shall present proposed annual budget submitted by officers at the February meeting. •He/she shall provide the auditor with all CYF financial information required to complete the yearly audit. •He/she shall file reports with the Secretary of State, and a form 990 with the IRS annually. •He/she shall handle any annual contracts/renewals that are operational in nature. 
ARTICLE V: OFFICERS A. Election and Term of Office:  Prospective candidates for each elected position need to be nominated by a current Board Member or Member-at-Large for review.  Discussion of the nominated individual will be done at the time of nomination.  Voting will be done as the last item of business during the December meeting.  All nominations will be accepted at the November meeting, except if there is an open position. All elected positions are for a term of one (1) year from January to December, with the exception of Head Football Coach Coordinator and Head Cheerleading Coach Coordinator which is for a term of two (2) years from January to December. 
B. Duties:  The duties of each CYF Officer are outlined in Appendix B attached. 

C. Other: 1. Each person in these positions shall have the authority to appoint such assistants, as they deem necessary to effectively fulfill the duties of their position. 2. If an elected Board Member assumes the duties of another elected position, he/she shall only retain the one vote of an elected member; and the other elected position shall be considered an open seat for voting and/or quorum purposes. 3. The Head Football Coach Coordinator and Head Cheerleading Coach Coordinator may hold only one (1) elected position. 4. Each elected position is responsible for submitting an annual budget to the Treasurer two weeks prior to the February CYF meeting.
A. Current Members-at-Large or Board Members may nominate individuals to become Members-at-Large.  If nominated individual is accepted by a majority of the voting members present, he/she becomes a nonvoting Member-at-Large. B. To be eligible to vote on CYF issues, the nominee must attend three (3) consecutive CYF Board meetings. The nominee would be eligible to vote at this third meeting.
These positions are not elected officers and will vote as Members-at-Large in compliance with Article VI and Article VIII.  The Executive Board will appoint these positions for a term of one year from January to December.
A. Medical Liaison: The duties of the Medical Liaison are as follows: •The medical liaison along with the Chairperson will request/schedule all EMT coverage for home games, and CYF hosted SNEYFC events. •They will assist in ensuring all medical notes/injury reports are filed properly and coordinate with the registration coordinator this filing. •The medical liaison is responsible for handling all medical insurance claims and injury reporting.  If there is no medical liaison appointed, then these responsibilities will fall to the Secretary. •The medical liaison will also be responsible for ordering any ice packs and medical supplies needed for the year. •They also will keep the emergency bag stocked for all away games. If there is no medical liaison appointed for the year, these duties will fall to the Vice-Chair. B. Merchandise Coordinator: The duties of the Merchandise Coordinator are as follows: •He/she shall be responsible for the ordering and selling of CYF merchandise. •He/she will conduct inventory of merchandise at the beginning and at the end of each season. •He/she will coordinate all financial transaction with the Treasurer.
ARTICLE VIII: VACANCIES, REMOVAL AND RESIGNATIONS A. Vacancies of any Board Member position may be filled for the unexpired portion of a term by a majority vote of the Board and members at large at any time. B. Any Member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of Board when, in the judgment of the Board, that individual has not performed his/her stated duties and/or when the best interests of CYF would be served thereby. Complaints or concerns will be brought to the Ethics coordinator / committee or any Board Member as appropriate. C. Any Board Member or Member-at-Large absent from three (3) consecutive meetings will have voting privileges revoked.  Members that lose their voting privileges may re-establish themselves as a Member-at-Large per Article VI (B). D. Any Board Member or Member-at-Large absent from five (5) meetings in a rolling year will have voting privileges revoked. E. Resignations should be given to Secretary in writing.  Any verbal resignation not confirmed in writing will be accepted if no written notice is received within thirty (30) days of verbal resignation. 
ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS A. Board Meetings: The Annual Meeting of CYF shall be held in February of each year.  Nominations for open positions will be accepted up to November, except if there is an open position and elections for these positions will be the last order of business at the December meeting.  The new CYF board will begin appointed duties immediately thereafter.  
CYF board meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month except for January.  Days may change depending on room availability and holidays. 
A quorum of the CYF meetings shall consist of a majority of the Executive Board (3 of 4) and one over ½ (5 of 8) of the presently filled Officer positions. Vacancies shall not be counted as determining whether a quorum exists. 
CYF Board Meetings shall be governed by “Roberts Rules of Order” and shall be considered as the official parliamentary law manual of this Corporation and its Board. 
B. Committee Meetings: 
General committee meetings will be scheduled as needed by individual committees.  Topics for discussion, meeting day and time for general committee meetings will be announced at each regular CYF board meeting.  The Chairperson or their designee shall be present at each committee meeting.  A committee member shall be designated to take notes and shall provide a written report on the committee’s decisions and progress at the next regular CYF board meeting. 
C. Coaches’ Meetings: 
To ensure consistency of coaching philosophy and techniques for all football and cheerleading squads, the Head Football and Head Cheerleading Coach Coordinators shall each hold training and organizational meetings throughout the year for their respective coaches.  The Executive Board will be notified of all scheduled meetings and subject matter in advance.  A member of the Executive Board may attend. 
The Head Coach Coordinators shall provide a report on the meeting decisions and progress at the next regular CYF board meeting. 
D. Other A league meeting will be held to present details and procedures for CYF fundraising.  All Members should be present at this meeting.  Fundraising is a vital part of the CYF organization, and every member and coach shall endorse and/or participate in the current fundraiser. Failure of a coach or member participating in, promoting or endorsing a fundraiser will have an effect on deciding their continued presence in CYF. 
Special or emergency meetings may be called at the request of the Chairperson or the majority of the Board.  
The Chairperson is empowered to appoint such committees as are deemed necessary to efficiently conduct the business and activities of CYF.  All committees shall submit monthly reports to the Board at the next scheduled meeting. 
All regular budget and non-urgent purchases shall be approved at Board Meetings.  The Executive Board can approve necessary purchases outside of the Regular Meeting up to $1,000.00.  Any nonbudgetary expense in excess of 10% of the anticipated cash on hand as of the current budget year will not be voted on until the next regular meeting. All CYF checks written must bear the signature of any of the following signatures with appropriate titles noted: Chairperson, and/or, Treasurer.  When possible, all purchases should be done with a CYF check and/or CYF bankcard. 
A. Registration Guidelines: 1. Pre-registration and open registration dates should be determined no later than the April CYF board meeting. 
2. “Pre-registration” is available for all players and cheerleaders who were registered as of the previous year’s Award Ceremony up until the waiting list.  The pre-registration period is approximately 15days prior to the open registration dates.  Pre-registration may not be available in the current season to families that did not volunteer, did not participate in fundraising and/or have any outstanding balances during the prior season. a) The Executive Board will make the final determination whether to offer pre-registration to these families. b) Pre-registration is not available for any member that did not return their equipment and/or uniform from the previous year. 3. Maximum registrations: a) Players: Unlimited registered players per squad will be accepted.  In the event of 40 or more registered players the squad will be split into A/B squads with B squad serving as a developmental squad for the A squad. b) Cheerleaders: All squads shall have no more than 25 registrations accepted per squad. c) Once squads are filled, all returning players / cheerleaders shall be added at the discretion of the head football /cheerleading coach first, followed by new players / cheerleaders in order of receipt of their registration materials. 4. Squad Requirements: a) Athletes:  Age and weight requirements per squad are listed in the SNEYFC By-laws 5. Player/Cheerleader registration is not “complete” until all the following are received: a) Signed Registration Form: b) Medical Form–must be dated after January 1st of the current season year; and received by the first day of practice otherwise athlete will not be able to practice. c) Player Ethics Form. d) Parent Ethics Form. e) Parent/Guardian Volunteer Requirements f) Information Form. g) Fundraising Agreement. h) Payment of registration. (1)Fee for registration shall be determined by the February CYF board meeting. (2)Limited number of “scholarships” may be awarded throughout the registration period.  To be considered for CYF scholarship, player or cheerleader must submit the scholarship form to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall review requests for scholarship as they are received and shall notify parent/guardian of acceptance or denial by the athletes first week of practice. (3)Fees may be paid by cash, check or credit card.  Payments of cash shall receive a receipt from CYF. 6. Refunds:  Refunds shall be granted to registered players/cheerleaders of CYF up to the third week in August.  Refunds after the 3rdweek of August shall be granted for “just cause” only: “Just cause” shall mean a medical emergency requiring a doctor’s note or a residential move out of the area.  All requests for refunds must be submitted to the Treasurer in writing.  Treasurer shall present all refund requests at the next CYF board meeting. Requestors shall  
be notified in writing of decision, and if approved, check will accompany written decision. No check will be sent if equipment and/or uniforms are outstanding.
B. Heat Advisory Guideline: In the event of a heat index advisory issued by the National Weather Center of 95°or greater, football and cheerleading practice shall be cancelled.  A heat index advisory between 90° and 94° shall result in frequent rest and fluid breaks with limited protective equipment worn.  Relocation of practice to an indoor facility due to extreme heat shall be approved by the Board.  Daily Heat Index advisories will be determined by the OSHA heat index app. This decision will be made by the Chairperson of CYF. C. Football and Cheer Program: as described in current SNEYFC by-laws. 1. Practice schedule will be determined prior to the start of the season. 2. SNEYFC Cheerleading Event: All Squad cheerleaders may choose to participate in this event. 3. Cheer Practice shall be held in an appropriate facility with Board approval. Practice may start 15 min. earlier and may end 15 min. earlier to accommodate parents at both locations. D. Mandatory Background Checks: 1. All Colchester Youth Football and Cheerleading coaches are required to undergo a background check annually. All coaches must be 18 years of age or older. Cheerleading Squads may have one Junior Coach (those over 16 but under 18 years of age) with a limit of one per squad. Junior Coaches cannot be left alone with the Athletes. 2. Each Board Member is required to undergo a background check annually. 3. All background checks will be completed by a Regulated Vendor through the CYF. CYF will pay the cost of the background checks. The Chairperson will notify any individuals that are disqualified from participating in any form of child supervision. These individuals will be prohibited from coaching or holding any position that may involve close contact with an athlete. The information shall remain confidential at all times and only the individual involved shall be notified of the disqualification. 4. If any participant feels that a Red Flag was issued in error, it is that individual’s responsibility to complete another background check through CYF’s Regulated Vendor, at his or her own expense. Any dispute with the results shall be directed to CYF’s Regulated Vendor and any subsequent background checks shall be performed at the expense of the individual. If after reinvestigating, the Chairman with input from another selected Board Member/ Officer determines that an individual is qualified, then their position shall be reinstated. E. Attendance and play time: 1. Minimum Plays a)Peewee : All Players should play in at least 10 plays/ 8 plays if more than 22 on game day roster. Micros: All players should play in at least 10 plays/ 8 plays if more than 22 on game day roster. Juniors: All Players should play in at least 8 plays/ 6 plays if more than 22 on game day roster. Seniors: All Players should play in at least 6 plays/ 4 plays if more than 22 on game day roster. Special teams does not count toward plays per game. No play minimums in playoffs b)Playtime Variations 1) Players need to qualify for this minimum each week by attending practices, putting forth an effort and having proper behavior. Any Head Coach can limit the minimum

Anthony Krol 
Its:  Chairperson 
plays for attendance and disciplinary reasons. The Head Coach will notify the Head Coaching coordinator if a player is getting less than the minimum plays prior to game day and supply a weekly attendance list. 2) If disciplinary action is needed during a game, the Head Coach may take immediate action and will notify the Head Coach Coordinator within 24 hours. 3) The Attendance and Playing time rules for each age level must be clearly communicated to the parents during the beginning of the season parent meeting conducted by the Head Coach. 2. Starting at the first game or September 1st, whichever is sooner, cheerleaders are allowed 5 unexcused absences from practices/ games. More than 5 unexcused absences could result in forfeiture of competition for individual cheerleader. Final decisions are made between head coach, head cheer coordinator and Chairman/Vice-Chairman.
A. Parents/Guardians should: 1. Fulfill volunteer requirements 2. Fulfill fundraiser requirements 3. Buy out of volunteer and/or fundraising requirements B. The rules governing the participants will be those set down by the SNEYFC and CYF. (Reference App H)
Amendments to the by-laws must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the membership in accordance with Robert’s Rules.  This document may be amended at any time in accordance with Robert’s Rules.
[Current SNEYFC by-laws can be found on the SNEYFC website] 
DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1) Head Football Coach Coordinator: The Head Football Coach Coordinator must have previous coaching experience with at least one full season with the Cougars and must be NYSCA certified.  This individual in conjunction with the Executive Board will appoint and administer Head Coaches and assistants for A, B, C and D football squads, all ethical violation past or present must be considered. Report status of coaching activities at monthly CYF board meetings. Listed below is a summary of duties: 
             •Coach’s Certification    Coordinate attendance at the coach’s clinics Become NYSCA certified current Ensure and/or arrange all coaches become NYCSA certified current •SNEYFC League May serve as SNEYFC League Representative and appoint alternate upon SNEYFC approval If appointed will attend (or send alternate representative) to monthly SNEYFC meetings(or as scheduled) and vote in matters keeping the best interest of CYF in the forefront If appointed will provide update of SNEYFC activities at CYF meetings If appointed will keep alternate apprised of SNEYFC matters Coordinate protest submission to the Chairperson, as required •Registration Support Registration Coordinator regarding missing paperwork Ensure adequate football coaches attend each registration to meet new players and field parent/player questions •Practice Should attend all practice nights; in the event unable to attend practice, ensure backup football coach to handle questions/concerns that may arise during practice nights and notifies Chairperson of the alternate Notify chairperson of any practice schedule changes within 12 hours’ notice •Game Days For all home games:  coordinate painting field Attend games for all squads or designate an alternate, notifies Chairperson of the alternate •Player Injuries Ensure coaches complete reports for all injured players Verify with medical coordinator qualifications for returning players Defer to EMT regarding participation of injured players •Parent Meetings Attend scheduled parent meetings at beginning of season Address parents with brief introduction to football program 
•Uniforms/equipment Work with Equipment Coordinator to provide Treasurer yearly football budget for uniforms/equipment two weeks prior to February CYF board meeting •Fundraisers Participate in yearly fundraising activities of CYF and promote participation by all football coaches & players •Awards Participate in organizing and attend awards ceremony •Miscellaneous Attend all CYF board and committee meetings throughout the year, or assign alternate representative if unable to attend, and notifies the Chairperson of the alternate Coordinate and run CYF coach’s meetings/training sessions throughout the year Obtain all coaches completed emergency contact information sheets and turn in to Registration Coordinator or Chairperson for placement in squad binders Obtain all coaches completed ethics forms and turn in to the Chairperson 2) Head Cheerleading Coach Coordinator: The Head Cheerleading Coach Coordinator must have previous coaching experience with at least one full season with the Cougars and must be NYSCA certified.  This individual in conjunction with the Executive Board will appoint and administer Head Coaches and assistants for A, B, C and D football squads, all ethical violation past or present must be considered. Report status of coaching activities at monthly CYF board meetings.  Listed below is a summary of duties: 
• Coach’s Certification Coordinate attendance at coach’s clinics. Become NYSCA certified current Ensure and/or arrange all coaches become NYCSA certified current •SNEYFC League May serve as SNEYFC League Representative and appoint alternate upon CYF approval If appointed will attend (or send alternate representative) to monthly SNEYFC meetings (or as scheduled) and vote in matters keeping the best interest of CYF in the forefront If appointed will provide update of SNEYFC activities at CYF meetings If appointed will keep alternate apprised of SNEYFC matters Coordinate protest submission to the Chairperson, as required •Registration Support Registration Coordinator regarding missing paperwork Ensure adequate cheerleading coaches attend each registration to meet new cheerleaders and field parent/cheerleader questions •Practice Should attend all practice nights; in the event unable to attend practice, ensure backup cheer coach to handle questions/concerns that may arise during practice nights and notifies Chairperson of the alternate Notify chairperson of any practice schedule changes within 12 hours’ notice 
•Game Days Attend games for all squads or designate an alternate, notifies Chairperson of the alternate •Parent Meetings Attend scheduled parent meetings at beginning of season Address parents with brief introduction to cheerleading program •Uniforms/equipment Work with Equipment Coordinator to provide Treasurer yearly football budget for uniforms/equipment two weeks prior to February CYF board meeting •Fundraisers Participate in yearly fundraising activities of CYF and promote participation by all cheerleading coaches & cheerleaders •Awards Participate in organizing and attend awards ceremony •Miscellaneous Attend all CYF board and committee meetings throughout the year, or assign alternate representative if unable to attend, and notifies the Chairperson of the alternate Coordinate and run CYF coach’s meetings/training sessions throughout the year Obtain all coaches completed emergency contact information sheets and turn in to Registration Coordinator or Chairperson for placement in squad binders Obtain all coaches completed ethics forms and turn in to the Chairperson 
3) Concession Stand Manager: 
•Arrange for yearly recharging of Ansul kitchen system and chimney cleaning before health inspection. •May/June clean stand and arrange to meet health inspector for yearly inspection to obtain operator license. •Administer overall operation of Concession Stand. •Work with Head Parent Coordinator to recruit volunteers. •Work with Board to determine product selection and pricing. •Track and replenish concession stand inventory as needed. •Maintain updated list of contacts and vendors used for concession stand equipment and products. •Provide monthly report at CYF board meetings on status of Concession Stand. •November/December close stand for season by cleaning all appliances, work areas and removing and/or returning equipment that may be damaged by cold temperatures. •Submit and obtain food service license •Complete food handling certification course 
4) Public Relations Coordinator: 
•Work with Chairperson for release of children’s names in newspaper or website •Send announcements of CYF open registration date(s)/time(s)/location(s) to local newspapers. •Advise local newspapers of all home games. 
•Provide game and highlight results to local papers. Solicit highlights of games from each squad designee in coordination with the head football/cheerleader coordinators or their designee to be published in local newspaper and/or CYF website. Individual player/cheerleader names may be used for any CYF press releases with parent consent form. •Handle any other press matters, as directed by Board (i.e., registration, etc.) 
5) Head Parent Coordinator: 
•Coordinate with the Head Coaches to appoint Squad Parent for each squad. •Work with Head Football Coach Coordinator and Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinator to devise list of appropriate half-time snacks for players and cheerleaders. •Coordinate the “Chain Gang” for all home/away games. •Coordinate the set up(cones/chain)and clean-up of field for all home games. •Coordinate announcers for all home games. •Work with Concession Stand Coordinator to recruit volunteers to operate concession stand during practices, home games and other CYF events. •Work with Merchandise Coordinat or to coordinate volunteers to sell merchandise during CYF events and other CYF committees (i.e., Family Picnic, etc.). •Organize other activities, as Board Members’ may deem necessary. •Serve as member of Ethics committee •Provide report to Executive Board & Registration coordinator of all families that did not participate in required activities. •Manage Practice Cancellation Notification 
6) Football Equipment Manager and/or Cheerleading Equipment Manager: 
•Needs to verify with the treasurer that all family’s have met their financial responsibilities from the previous year before distributing uniforms for the current season. •Responsible for issue of all equipment and uniforms in conjunction with Head Football and Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinators. •Work with Head Football and Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinators to determine uniform and equipment needs for the season. •Create and present yearly equipment budget(s). •Handle ordering and delivery of all approved equipment and uniforms. •Responsible for inventory of CYF uniforms and equipment. •Ensure uniform tracking form is completed and signed by parents when uniforms are distributed •Coordinate collection of CYF uniforms and equipment at end of season with Head Football and Head Cheerleader Coach Coordinators. •Ensure uniforms are collected and in good condition at end of season or when participants quits. 
7) Ethics Committee Coordinator: 
•Preside and chair over Ethics Committee Meetings and oversee ethical problems concerning players, parents and/or coaches. •Follow Ethics Coordinator guidelines outlined in Appendix H •Update Executive Board on course of action taken.  In the case of serious ethical violations present report of incident and recommended action needed by Executive Board. 

Chairperson....................................Anthony Krol....................................................
Vice-Chairperson............................Jeff Hashem.......................................................
Secretary.......................................Tracy Garvie.......................................................
Treasurer.......................................Danielle Brodeur...................................................
Head Coach-Football.....................Jason Billiot.......................................................
Head Coach–Cheerleading.............Jaime Weig.........................................................
Concession Stand Coordinators........Tracy Sibley......................................................
Head Parent Coordinator.................Amanda Francis................................................
Public Relations Coordinator............Megan Sheehan...............................................
Football Equipment Manager...........Doug Howard.....................................................
Cheerleading Equipment Manager....Keri Struzik........................................................
Medical Coordinator........................Jason Billiot………………….......................…………….
Ethics Committee Coordinator.........Pat Arrigoni......................................................
Park and Rec Liaison.......................Anthony Krol......................................................
Player and Weight Qualification: 
[Current SNEYFC by-laws can be found on the SNEYFC website] 
An Emergency Action Plan prepares for unsafe situations and potential emergencies, such as natural events (i.e., weather conditions), illness or injury.  The Head Football and Cheerleading Coach Coordinators should review this plan with their coaches prior to the start of each season. The Head Coach of each football and cheerleading squad has the authority to assign specific duties to their assistant coaches, as necessary. 
While this plan outlines many potential situations, on-site staff is not limited to only the examples described.  The safety of everyone present at a CYF event should always be the primary consideration in deciding how to handle a situation.  Common sense and good judgment should be used when addressing a safety concern. 
A CYF Executive Board Member and/or Head Football/Cheerleader and Parent Coordinator should be present at all CYF events. The Board Member and/or Coordinator must notify the CYF Chairman, and depending on the situation, the Head Football or Cheerleading Coach Coordinator, if not on-site, of any emergency situation (e.g. cancellation of practice/game or need for emergency medical assistance, etc.) as soon as reasonably possible. 
Squad Head Coaches or Board Member on-site are responsible for ensuring thattelephone access is available at all sites of a CYF event.  If a squad moves to another location, even within the Park and Recreation Complex, a working telephone line should be available to coaches.  Individual cell phones can be used for this purpose.  If a line or reception is not available, the coach should discuss with the Board Member or the appropriate Head Coach Coordinator. 
1. Weather Related Emergencies (i.e., rain, lightning, tornadoes, etc.) 
A. CYF will follow the policies and abide by the decisions of the Colchester Park &Recreation Department.  Closure of fields will result in a cancellation of that CYF activity. For games, the cancellation of an earlier game does not mean that games are cancelled for the day.  CYF should evaluate the fields periodically throughout the day. B. If CYF must decide field usage, the following should be evaluated when making a decision: standing water, muddy/soggy fields and poor visibility. C. For lightning 1. Everyone should be cleared from the field immediately if lightning is visible in the local area. 2. Everyone should be moved away from anything metal, such as goal posts, fencing, and bleachers. 3. Everyone should wait in cars until a final decision is made as to the continuation of that activity. On-site buildings should not be used as shelters for anyone unless absolutely necessary. 
4. The final decision to continue an activity that has been stopped by lightning should be made by the on-site board member (s), Officer(s) and coaching staff. If possible, a forecast of weather conditions should be obtained from a reliable source (e.g., National Weather Service). 
D. For all other weather conditions, an ongoing activity should be stopped if, in the opinion of those present (i.e., Executive Board Member(s), Head Football/Head Cheer Coach Coordinators, Officers and coaching staff), conditions are not favorable to maintain a safe environment. 
** The need to continue any CYF activity should not outweigh the potential for harm. ** 
2. Medical Condition, Illness and Physical Injury 
A. Medical Condition 
1. A current Medical Form for every Player and Cheerleader is kept on file by in the Main Shed. 2. Players and Cheerleaders with chronic medical conditions or allergies shall be identified.  A list of the participant(s), condition/allergy and/or medication/treatment necessary shall be available in each squad book and in the Main Shed at CYF Field. 3. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to have medication available at the field/event.  CYF coaches and staff should not administer any medication to a player or cheerleader, even if parent permission is given. 4. Emergency medical treatment should be performed by trained and/or certified individuals. 
B. Illness 
1. Players/cheerleaders that become ill during practice and are evaluated as too sick to return to activity should be brought to the Main Shed and the Board Member/designate notified.  Parents should be contacted and pick-up their child at the Shed.  The illness should be discussed with the parent at that time.  If, in the opinion of those on-site, medical attention is necessary, then appropriate action will be taken.  Board Members, Officers, coaches, staff, and other parents should be advised not to transport another child to the doctor or hospital on their own. 2. The decision to return a child to play/cheer should be made with consideration as to the child’s presentation and overall appearance.  If there is any doubt that the child is not well, then he/she should be sent home.  While the child’s comments on his/her condition should be taken seriously, a child’s comments as to his/her ability to return to play should be carefully considered.  The Head Coach, in consultation with the Assistant Coaches and/or parent, should make that decision. 3. If a player/cheerleader becomes ill during a game, then he/she should be rested on the bench and the illness discussed with the parent(s)/guardian(s). 4. A player/cheerleader should not return to a practice or game if he/she has one or more of the following: fever, chills, dizziness, vomiting or diarrhea. 

C. Physical Injury 1. CYF will follow the guidelines and procedures of the Colchester-Hayward Volunteer EMTs.  Per SNEYFC bylaws, an EMT must be present at every game, jamboree and/or competition.  If any of these events are held in Colchester, regardless of CYF’s participation in that event, then CYF is responsible for scheduling and ensuring the presence of an EMT at that event.  Per the Town of Colchester, an EMT from another town cannot serve as the primary emergency service provider at a SNEYFC/Colchester event. 2. If CYF hosts an event in another town, CYF is responsible for scheduling and ensuring the presence of an EMT.  Policies and procedures of that location should be followed. 3. Any player/cheerleader with an injury unrelated to football/cheerleading, that may affect their ability to play/cheer or overall well-being, should not be allowed to participate unless a note is provided by a physician stating that participation is medically approved. 4. First aid supplies will be available in Coaches’ Bag and in a central bag.  One of these bags should be available at every CYF event.  Items included are: a. Coaches’ bags should contain gloves, bandages, gauze, and ice packs. b. CYF main bag should contain gloves, bandages, gauze, and ice packs. 5. On-site personnel should evaluate every injury sustained at a CYF event as quickly as possible. Players/cheerleaders can return to the activity if approved by the coach, parent, and/or other personnel on-site.  A player/cheerleader should not return to activity if there is doubt as to the child’s safety. 6. Players/cheerleaders with a mild/moderate injury and not allowed to return to play should be brought to the Main Shed and the Board Member/designate notified.  Parents should be contacted and pick-up their child at the Shed.  The injury should be discussed with the parent at that time. 7. Every injury should be taken seriously for the potential to become worse. The following chart outline types of injuries.  On-site personnel are not limited to only those injuries listed and the treatment listed. Emergency medical treatment should be sought and/or performed by trained and/or certified individuals. 8. Coaches and on-site staff should use the Check, Call, Care strategy when addressing moderate, severe, and life-threatening injuries: check the injured child; call emergency services; provide care until EMTs arrive. 9. Emergency numbers and script will be posted at the Concession Stand, Main Shed and Announcer’s Booth CYF field.  These numbers include, but are not limited to: a. Emergency Medical Services personnel b. Police c. Fire d. Poison Control Center e. Hospitals f. Power and Gas Companies g. Health Department h. Weather Bureau.
10. Dispatcher will need to know the following information: a. Location of injured player (Football Field, Old Hartford Road,Colchester) b. Name of the responder c. What happened and number of people involved d. The condition of the injured player e. What help has been given. f. If a game, the name of the on-site EMT g. Do not hang up the phone until the dispatcher hangs up. h. Many dispatchers are also trained to give instruction before EMS arrival. 11. The Head Coach should be the first responder (i.e. checks on the child) to a moderate, severe, or life-threatening injury.  The Head Coach should designate specific jobs to the Assistant Coaches, including but not limited to: a. Contacting Emergency Medical Services (e.g .alerting EMT on-site, alerting staff on-site to call for transport or using telephone to call). b. Clearing field to allow for EMS vehicles. c. Contacting/locating parents/guardians. d. Supervising other players. e. Completing the Injury Report Form. 12. If the event is hosted by CYF, the on-site Board Member/designate should ensure easy access to the area for emergency vehicles and that bystanders are not in danger.  The Board Member/designate can ask assistance from anyone on-site.  The Board Member/designate may also be responsible for contacting emergency medical services if delegated by a Coach. 13. If possible, coaches and/or other on-site personnel should consider certification in CPR. 14. Squad Head Coach or the Head Coach Coordinator should maintain contact with the family of all injured participants if medical evaluation is obtained 
1. Registration Form 2. Medical Form (athletes) 3. Athlete Ethics Form 4. Parent Ethics Form 5. Parent Guardian Requirements a. Volunteer b. Fundraising 6. Information Form 7. CYF Coaches Emergency Medical Form 8. Injury Report Forms a. Player Form b. Cheerleader Form 9.Coaches Ethics Form 
Occasionally, issues will arise, necessitating mediation to resolve disputes within the program. Parents/Guardians should follow the following guidelines: 1 Take your concerns to the squad coach. 2 If your issue cannot be resolved by that coach, the next step is to see the head coach 3      If your issue is still not resolved, the next step is to see the Ethics Coordinator 4      If your issue still cannot be resolved by the Ethics Coordinator, the next and final step is to see the Executive Board 

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